Training on web design.

Training on web design.

The volunteer will be responsible for supporting CEDT in identifying the best option for its website. Depending on the results, they will either update the existing website with the team or support the team in identifying the best solution to design a new website.



Community Empowerment and Development Team (CEDT) is a Cambodian NGO that was founded in 2009. CEDT’s primary objectives are to empower urban and rural poor communities, improve their housing conditions, enhance their livelihoods, facilitate access to sustainable natural resources, ensure security of tenure, and promote the realization of their housing rights. The organization follows a people-led, participatory planning process.

Currently, the CEDT team consists of five members, including an executive director, a financial officer, and three project managers.

However, there is currently no dedicated communication officer within the team. In 2023, CEDT’s website and email address stopped functioning, and despite the team’s efforts to resolve the issue independently, they lack the necessary skills to identify and address the specific problem. As the website serves as a crucial platform for promoting the NGO’s visibility, it is essential to address this issue.

The mission at hand involves providing coaching and support to the CEDT team in determining the optimal technical solution—whether to update the existing website or design a new one. Additionally, the team will receive customized training on website maintenance and design to ensure they can independently update and manage the website effectively.

Intervention attendue du volontaire

Since the end of 2022, CEDT has received support from three volunteers to assist them in designing their communication strategy and communication tools.

The volunteer’s intervention will primarily focus on the following areas:

Assisting the CEDT team in identifying the optimal option for their website: whether to relaunch the existing website or identifying the best solution to design a new website.

Based on the outcomes of the initial analysis, providing the CEDT team with customized training on either updating the existing website or designing a new website. This training should be highly practical, enabling the team to successfully create a new website. It is crucial for the team to acquire the skills to independently update and maintain the website, as well as knowing whom to contact when assistance is needed.

Assist CEDT in resolving the issue related to its email address, which is connected to the website problem.
Additionally, the trainer will compile a guide containing recommendations and tips specifically tailored for the CEDT team. This guide will serve as a valuable resource for the team moving forward.


Day 1: the volunteer is welcomed by the team, learn about the context and assess the situation.

Days 2 &3: A meeting is organized with the developing company for the volunteer to understand the issue. The volunteer works with the team in identifying a solution for the website/email address. The solution is approved by the executive director of CEDT

Days 4 & 5: depending on the outcomes of the solution identified, the volunteer works on the content of the training.

Days 6 to 10: the volunteer implements half days of training with CEDT team members to show them how to update/design their website. The other half-days, the volunteer works on the website if necessary but its important that the volunteer does not develop on its own a new website.

Day 10: wrap-up meeting with the executive director of CEDT.

Time: 8.30 am to 12.00 am OR 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm.

Type de bénéficiaires

The executive director of CEDT, 1 from the management team, 1 of member of the implementation team.

Profil des bénéficiaires

The executive director has a good level of English. Other members of the team speak limited English. They can understand English but don’t speak well.

Nombre de volontaires requis

1 volontaires

Motivation attendue

Webdesigner, Strong experience in webdesigning.

Le partenaire

Notre partenaire local

Community Empowerment and Development Team (CEDT)


Community Empowerment and Development Team (CEDT) is a Cambodian NGO funded in 2009. CEDT pursues the objectives to strengthen urban and rural poor communities to improve their housing conditions, their livelihood, to access sustainable natural resources, to achieve security of tenure and to realize their housing rights. The approach that CEDT follows is a people-led, participatory planning process.

Since 2015, CEDT is implementing a Natural Resources Management (NRM) program. The team supports rural communities living in to be recognized as Community Protected Area or Community Forestry procedures. Following a conservation purpose, the recognition guarantees local communities exclusive right on sustainable use of natural resources, in return for management and patrolling of the area. Once the community could access to this status, CEDT also support them into designing and implementing the management plans of these CPAs/CFs.

The team is limited to 4 people, including an executive director, a financial officer and two project managers. A new project manager will soon join the team.

Informations pratiques

Accueil et transfert

The volunteer will be welcomed by a member of CEDT’s team and will be transported to his/her hotel. The volunteer could take a tuk-tuk to go from the hotel to CEDT’s office.

Aéroport d’arrivée

Phnom Penh


The volunteer will be staying at a hotel near CEDT’s office (individual private room, with key-lock, private bathroom)
Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be taken in hotel or restaurants nearby.

Matériel disponible sur place

Volunteer should bring a laptop.

Je postule

Je postule

Code mission : CB3BC4

Partenaire :
Community Empowerment and Development Team (CEDT)

Localisation :
Cambodge, Asie, Phnom Penh

Langues :


Type d’intervention :
Formation pour adultes

Compétences :

Dispositif(s) possible(s) :
Congé Solidaire, Mission Solidaire

Durée :
2 semaines

Mission disponible toute l’année

Nos missions