FLO has designed few years ago its communication plan, however, there is no dedicated communication officer within the team and team members lack of time and technical skills to implement the plan.
Recognizing these needs, FLO’s team would greatly benefit from training in efficient reporting and storytelling. Such training would optimize the workload for Project Managers and the Director, particularly in compiling reports for each project.
Report writing: Over recent years, FLO has secured an increasing number of grants from various sources. However, meeting the reporting requirements of each donor presents a challenge. Improved report writing will help us communicate our activities and financial needs more effectively, ensuring transparency and fostering stronger relationships with our funding partners.
Storytelling: We also want to develop our team’s ability to showcase the success stories of our projects within the communities we serve. The staff currently lacks the skills necessary to conduct effective interviews and write compelling narratives that highlight the positive impacts of our initiatives. Training in storytelling will empower our team to share these important stories, engaging our stakeholders and inspiring further support for our mission.
The support of Planète Urgence volunteers is crucial because FLO lacks the required skills for this mission and does not have the financial means to pay a trainer. This mission will take place after a first mission who took place in November 2023. Juliette the first volunteer worked on the analysis of the current communication pla and the social media but another mission is needed. The new volunteer will receive the report of the last mission.
Intervention attendue du volontaire
Assessing the current reporting tools used by FLO
Assessing the storytelling ability of the team
Designing a day-to-day reporting and template to collect important data about all achievements
Designing a questionnaire for success story interview together with the team
Training about interviews, storytelling and story writing
Malaria and Dengue are present in Kratie and preventive drugs for Malaria are recommended.
It is not advised to walk alone at night in the city.
Mission proposée dans le cadre du VEC
Type de bénéficiaires
Profil des bénéficiaires
Some already have some notions of communication from the first PU mission.
The beneficiaries have a heterogeneous level of study which varies between highschool/bachelor/master’s degree. One graduated a Master degree, 4 graduated bachelor and 2 finished high school.
The English level of the team is low to medium except for the french volunteer. Some of them cannot speak English and some of them can speak just a little bit. A translator will be required to ease the understanding of the training.
Some already have some notions of communication and can use communication tools such as the Facebook page; others have no expertise in the matter.
The beneficiaries have a heterogeneous level of study which varies between highschool/bachelor/master’s degree. One graduated a Master degree, 4 graduated bachelor and 2 finished high school.
The English level of the team is low to medium. Some of them cannot speak English and some of them can speak just a little bit. A translator will be required to ease the understanding of the training.
Nombre de volontaires requis
1 volontaires
Le partenaire
Notre partenaire local
Forest and Livelihoods Organization (FLO)
Created in 2010, FLO aims to improve livelihoods of local people through strengthening of local communities in negotiating and advocating decision making power, to ensure sustainable natural resource management and balanced socio-economic development. Since 2010, we have 2 main thematic:
– Natural Resource Management
Community Forestry
Community Fishery
Collective Land Titling
None-Timber Forest Product (Honey)
– Alternative Livelihood Development
Self-Help Group
Climate Change Adaptation (rehabilitation irrigation ponds, dams and wells)
Agriculture (chicken raising, rice and vegetable production)
Informations pratiques
Accueil et transfert
The volunteer will leave by private taxi or mini-bus the following day (5 to 6h of travel) and will be welcomed at the hotel in Kratie by a member of FLO’s staff.
On the way back, the volunteer will travel on Friday by private taxi from Kratie to Phnom Penh and will leave the country on Saturday.
Aéroport d’arrivée
Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be taken in hotel or restaurants nearby.
Matériel disponible sur place
Code mission : CB3CC2
Partenaire :
Forest and Livelihoods Organization (FLO)
Localisation :
Cambodge, Kratie
Type d’intervention :
Formation pour adultes
Compétences :
Dispositif(s) possible(s) :
Congé Solidaire, Mission Solidaire
Durée :
2 semaines
Mission disponible toute l’année