Training on strategic financial analysis

Training on strategic financial analysis

The volunteer will be in charge of designing and implementing training on financial analysis for CRDT’s team;



In North-East Cambodia, deforestation is particularly high and support to local communities living in forestry areas is limited.

Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT) is working to sustainably improve food security, incomes, and living standards of subsistence of rural communities in support of environmental conservation.

CRDT wants to implement new and more ambitious projects, such as projects on Carbon credits. Those projects require strong financial and evaluation capacities that the NGO needs to strengthen.

CRDT is a well-structured organization registered in 2005. Its financial and accounting team has grown to 3 to 4 people.
However, the team needs to improve their financial management skills in financial planning and financial analysis, for both the Social Enterprise Program and the Sustainable Livelihoods Program.

First, the businesses of the Social Enterprise Program (guesthouse, restaurant and eco-tourism tours) still rely on grants and CRDT would like to be able to make sure these activities can be sustainable in the middle term. They want to be able to plan, and identify how much they need to commit to manage those businesses without funders. For the other NGO activities, CRDT want to be able to better evaluate financial information (HR, cost of the activities, overheads, etc.) to help the organization become more sustainable.

Recourse to the support of Planète Urgence volunteers is important because CRDT does not have the skills for this mission, or the financial means to pay a trainer.

Intervention attendue du volontaire

The volunteer intervention must cover those topics:
– Diagnosis of CRDT’s capacities related to the financial management of the NGO and its social enterprises.
– Introduction to finance management (Scope: planning, budgeting, managing and accessing risks, procedures, objectives and importance)
– Case study and coaching on the management of the NGO, with a specific focus on ; budget, financial statements, sustainably managing ‘reserves’ and strategies for allocating overheads, calculating the costs of activities, improving financial management and programs effectiveness.


Phnom Penh is the capital city of Cambodia so it’s a very urban environment.
Many local & western restaurants and supermarkets.
Many sites to visit during you days off (Royal Palace, National Museum, Sunset Rivercruise on the Mekong, Wat Phnom Temple, Tuol Sleng genocide museum, Central Market, Russian Market, …)

Type de bénéficiaires

The beneficiaries of the training will be 3 to 4 members of CRDT’s financial team, including 3 women. This include the finance team and management members

Profil des bénéficiaires

All beneficiaries completed University degrees, mostly in the fields of management and Finance and Accounting.
They have various level of English that are communicable. All have a good understanding of English.

Nombre de volontaires requis

1 volontaires

Le partenaire

Notre partenaire local

Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT)


The Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT) was created in 2001 by four Cambodian students. They came from poor rural backgrounds and were the first generation to go to university. Belonging to the first educated generation after the Khmer Rouge period, the 4 founders of the Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT) were disadvantaged rural children. Access to education was an uphill struggle. Hard work and extraordinary circumstances saw CRDT founders meeting at university, and being in the minority coming from underprivileged backgrounds, they banded together as a team. They developed a shared vision for the future of Cambodia – ‘one free from environmental degradation and poverty’ as they found that in Cambodia few rural people survive entirely on what they produce from their own land. They supplement their livelihoods by hunting, fishing or gathering forest products. But overfishing and deforestation are threatening both this way of living and ecosystems. The Mekong River Dolphin and many other critically endangered species are on the verge of extinction due to destructive natural resource usage. CRDT founding members come from rural backgrounds so it’s no stretch of the imagination to learn that they care about rural communities. They experienced poverty first hand in their youth, and saw how closely linked poverty is to natural resources. If livelihoods are tied to environmental issues, a population exploding after years of atrocities means more people sharing Cambodia’s natural bounty. This free-for-all of natural resource exploitation cannot last. CRDT has high technical expertise and extensive experience in environmentally appropriate agriculture development, increasing food security, supporting market linkages and income generation, natural resource management, non-timber forest products, water and sanitation, renewable energy technologies, eco-tourism and community empowerment. Currently, the organisation focuses on three of Cambodia’s north-eastern provinces: namely Kratie, Steung Treng (along the Mekong) and Mondulkiri. The projects’ target communities are selected in conjunction with conservation partners, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), to be areas of particular interest for conservation where biodiversity is threatened by livelihood activities and exploitation of natural resources. CRDT supports approximately 6,000 families in rural Northeastern Cambodia in those 3 provinces. Most of these families are from ethnic minorities and are subsistence farmers living in protected areas. CRDT close partners WWF and Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) provide technical support such as training on conservation, monitoring and evaluation. CRDT also has partnerships with Délégation Catholique pour la Coopération (DCC) and Volunteer Services Overseas (VSO), which provide long-term volunteers supporting the work of the organisation. CRDT employs 27 people among which 6 advisers, foreign and local. CRDT current programs focus on: – Food Security: supporting livestock, aquaculture and vegetable production, and increasing the yield of rice crops in order to ensure communities have access to a protein-rich and varied diet, and to diversify food sources to equip villagers to adapt to a changing climate. – Income Generation: enabling farmers to identify value chains and directly access markets to generate income raises standards of living. Diversifying income through the creation of small businesses such as community-based tourism, which brings a range of community benefits. – Water & Sanitation: supporting families to build their own rainwater collectors next to their homes, which is a relatively clean, free and close source of water to be used for household consumption. CRDT also supports agricultural beneficiaries to set up small irrigation aids such as river hand pumps, which brings river water closer to the fields and enables farmers to grow off-season vegetables and sell them at profit. – Renewable Energy: CRDT beneficiaries are highly dependent on firewood and exploitative natural resource management practices for their daily energy needs, despite many communities living in protected biodiversity areas. CRDT therefore tries to focus on providing for these needs sustainably, by developing a number of rural renewable energy technologies including biogas, micro-hydro and solar. – Environmental Education and Waste Management: To CRDT, this means demonstrating how livelihoods link to sustainability, forming values to enable communities to understand their environment, reduce exploitation and manage their natural resources responsibly, at a time of climatic uncertainty. – CRDTours: specializes in responsible tourism in the Mekong provinces of Kratie and Stung Treng. All tours directly support local communities and environmental conservation through donations to CRDT. – Conversations with Foreigners: Conversations With Foreigners (CWF) is an English-language centre set up to provide sustainable funding for CRDT’s work. – Le Tonlé: Le Tonlé Tourism Training Center is a not-for-profit training guest house providing vocational training to disadvantaged youth from Cambodia’s Northeastern provinces of Kratie, Stung Treng, Ratanakiri, and Mondulkiri.

Informations pratiques

Accueil et transfert

The volunteer will be welcomed at Phnom Penh Airport by a member of CRDT’s team and will be transported to a hotel.

Aéroport d’arrivée

Phnom Penh


The volunteer will be staying at a hotel near CRDT’s office in Phnom Penh (individual private room, with key-lock, private bathroom)

Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be taken in hotel or restaurants nearby.

Matériel disponible sur place

-Volunteer should bring a laptop.

Je postule

Je postule

Code mission : CB1KC9

Partenaire :
Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT)

Localisation :
Cambodge, Phnom Penh

Langues :


Type d’intervention :
Formation pour adultes

Compétences :

Dispositif(s) possible(s) :
Congé Solidaire, Mission Solidaire

Durée :
2 semaines

Mission disponible toute l’année

Nos missions