Training on project management fundamentals

Training on project management fundamentals

The volunteer will be responsible for designing and implementing training sessions on project management fundamentals for Marine Conservation Cambodia’s team.



Cambodia is rich in natural resources such as mangrove forests, and the coastal areas of Cambodia used to have the largest seagrass bed in Southeast Asia. However, Cambodian coastal areas, notably mangroves and seawaters, are facing significant destruction issues, mainly due to illegal fishing practices, conversion for agriculture or aquaculture, and port development.

Marine Conservation Cambodia (MCC) is a local NGO working to protect, conserve, and restore Cambodia’s marine environment. They focus on conservation and marine research to support the adaptable management of marine protected and management areas, promote responsible and sustainable fishing practices, and provide support to local communities.

The NGO has played a key role in establishing Cambodia’s first Marine Fisheries Management Area, and through their activities, they have contributed to the return of marine life to the area. This includes seagrass regrowth and an increase in marine mammal populations, among other positive outcomes.

However, most of the MCC team members are engaged in project implementation and management but lack specific training in these areas. The tools they use depend on the requirements of the donors. The team desires to improve their skills in project designing and monitoring through training on project management fundamentals.

MCC is facing challenges in finding appropriated training that aligns with their available resources.

Intervention attendue du volontaire

The volunteer intervention should encompass the following topics:

• Assessing the current situation and tools utilized by MCC.
• Train MCC team on project management fundamentals, including the use of project management tools and HR coordination within projects. It’s worth noting that the team members reside together on a remote island, and occasional communication issues arise due to the varying ages within the team (ranging from 20 to 45/50 years old).

The training is expected to incorporate a mix of theoretical and practical approaches, using MCC’s own examples and real-life situations.

Following the initial mission, there might be 2 subsequent missions that will focus on specific topics of project management (budget, HR management, communication, etc.) identified with the team during the first training.


Training location: MCC facilities

Mission’s Agenda: Moves constantly because of climate reasons.
– Day 1: The volunteer meets the team, learns about the context, and assesses the team’s skills and tools regarding project management.
– Days 2 & 3: The volunteer works with the team on the training schedule/content
– Day 4: Training on project management fundamentals (theory)
– Days 5 to 8: Training on specific tools of project management, based on MCC’s situation (project monitoring, HR coordination, etc.)
– Day 9: Wrap-up meeting with the team.
– Day 10: The volunteer travels back to Phnom Penh.

MCC’s office is located on an uninhabited island in Cambodia. There are no restaurants or tourist facilities on the island. Living and working on Koh Ach Seh is not intended to provide a pleasant and relaxing holiday experience.During their days off (Saturday/Sunday), volunteers can relax on the island or participate in team activities, but they are not permitted to engage in diving activities due to safety reasons.

Although not inherently dangerous, snakes, rats, and scorpions are commonly found on the island.

Volunteers will receive information about the island and Cambodian etiquette. The MCC team expects volunteers to respect this etiquette.

Type de bénéficiaires

The beneficiaries of the training will be 10 members of MCC’s team. Some members have experience and background in project management. However, most of the MCC team members are engaged in project implementation and management but lack specific training in these areas. They don’t have specific background in project management.
The English level of the participants is good.

Nombre de volontaires requis

1 volontaires

Motivation attendue

Motivation to experience life in a remote island in Cambodia, with dedicated and hard-working people !

Living conditions are quite simple, and this is not a vacation on a paradise island. It is important to bear this in mind before applying for the mission. Leaving the island during the weekend may not necessarily be possible (except in emergencies), and one must also be ready to stay in the same location for almost two weeks.

Le partenaire

Notre partenaire local

Marine Conservation Cambodia (MCC)


The NGO was originally founded by a diver –Paul Ferber- who became aware of the destructive impact of fishing methods that involved scraping the seafloor (Bottom Trawling –illegal practice), leading to the deterioration of the ocean.

Paul Ferber decided to take action, alone at first, but then with support from local villagers. He first started to work on stopping illegal activities and then developed step by step other conservation activities.

A small minority of people is responsible for the entire destruction, but is quite powerful and use bigger boats at industrial scale (Ex: in Kep, 1 community out of 5 of fishermen’s practice illegal activities).

Mission: to Protect, Conserve and Restore Cambodia’s Marine environment.

To Protect and Conserve Cambodia’s diverse and beautiful Marine Ecosystems, with proactive conservation and marine research to be used in the adaptable management of marine protected and marine management areas, promoting responsible and sustainable fishing practices whilst supporting local communities and improving Cambodia’s marine resources.

Informations pratiques

Accueil et transfert

The volunteer will be welcomed at Phnom Penh Airport by a member of PU team and will be transported to a hotel near the airport for an overnight stay.

The volunteer will leave by bus/mini-bus on Sunday at 7.00 am (approx. 3h30 of travel) to Kep, will take a tuk-tuk from bus station to the pier and will then take MMC’s at 3.00 pm boat to reach Koh Ach She Island (approx. 45min).

On the way back, the volunteer will travel on Friday by boat to Kep and then by mini-bus/bus to Phnom Penh for an overnight stay and will leave the country on Saturday.

Aéroport d’arrivée

Airport in Phnom Penh


The volunteer will be staying at MCC’s facilities in Koh Ach She Island. The volunteers will be staying in gender divided bungalows shared between two to six people, staff and volunteers mixed. Every room contains three bunk-beds with mosquito nets, power and light at night as well as an en suite bathroom with a rainwater bucket shower and toilet. This is not a luxury retreat; walls have holes and geckos and rats living in the neighboring jungle.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be taken in the NGO’s facilities on the island. Vegetarian meals can be arranged but the volunteers have to be flexible.

Matériel disponible sur place

-Volunteer should bring a laptop.
Power will be available in the bungalows at nighttime. Wi-fi is not available on the island. The volunteers will use the data of a 4G Sim card provided by PU’s team upon their arrival in Phnom Penh

Je postule

Je postule

Code mission : CB3GC2

Partenaire :
Marine Conservation Cambodia (MCC)

Localisation :
Cambodge, Asie, Koh Ach Seh Island

Langues :


Type d’intervention :
Formation pour adultes

Compétences :
Coordination de projet

Dispositif(s) possible(s) :
Congé Solidaire, Mission Solidaire

Durée :
2 semaines

Dates :

📅 30-08-2025 au 13-09-2025

📅 13-09-2025 au 27-09-2025

📅 27-09-2025 au 11-10-2025

📅 11-10-2025 au 25-10-2025

📅 25-10-2025 au 08-11-2025

📅 08-11-2025 au 22-11-2025

📅 22-11-2025 au 06-12-2025

Nos missions