Training on designing a data protection policy

Training on designing a data protection policy

The volunteer will be in charge of supporting DPA’s team in designing and implementing their data protection policy, encompassing IT security and data management.



In the rural northeast regions of Cambodia, support for isolated communities whose livelihoods rely on natural resources, such as forests, is limited. Nevertheless, it is crucial to provide assistance for the sustainable development of these communities to ensure the preservation of Cambodia’s rich biodiversity.

The Development and Partnership in Action (DPA) works to empower and support impoverished and vulnerable individuals, enhance community resilience, foster engagement and collaboration with relevant stakeholders, and advocate for an enabling environment for sustainable development. For instance, DPA assists local communities in the management of natural resources. Through one of its projects, it provides seedlings, small trees, and technical support to help communities restore deforested areas.

As part of their commitment to protecting vulnerable communities, DPA’s donors have mandated the organization to develop and implement a comprehensive data protection policy that encompasses IT security and data management.

The team is enthusiastic about fulfilling this requirement as it aligns with their core values. However, they have encountered challenges in finalizing the policy due to their limited expertise in this particular subject matter. They have made attempts to draft the policy independently but have been unable to complete it. Additionally, their efforts to seek technical expertise and support have thus far been unsuccessful.

Therefore, DPA is in need of assistance in designing and implementing its own data protection policy.

Intervention attendue du volontaire

The volunteer intervention should encompass the following topics:

-Analyzing the policy drafted by DPA.

-Assessing DPA’s actual practices on IT security and data management

-Assisting DPA in In amending the existing IT Security and Data Protection policy.

Training DPA and providing support to the team in implementing the policy.


Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia, is a bustling urban environment. It offers a wide range of options, including local and Western restaurants as well as supermarkets. During your days off, there are numerous sites to visit, such as the Royal Palace, National Museum, Sunset River Cruise on the Mekong, Wat Phnom Temple, Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, Central Market, Russian Market, and more.

Time schedule: 8.00 am – 12.30 pm. The 3 first days of the mission, the volunteer will analyze the existing policies.

Type de bénéficiaires

The beneficiaries of the training will be 4 members of CEPA’s team, the program manager and the program coordinators, including 1 women.

Profil des bénéficiaires

The beneficiaries all have experience in data collection and management for the projects, however thay have not received specific training on data protection.

The English level of the participants is good.

Nombre de volontaires requis

1 volontaires

Motivation attendue

Strong experience in data protection, IT security systems.

Le partenaire

Notre partenaire local

Development and Partnership in Action (DPA)


Development and Partnership in Action (DPA) is a Cambodian non-government organisation (NGO) which localised from an international NGO called CIDSE. CISDE was operating in 3 countries in SEA (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam) and fully transferred to Cambodian management staff in 2006.

DPA has applied a new strategic plan for 2022-2026 with a vision for all Cambodians to enjoy a high quality of life as full citizens, accessing, using and protecting their rights. DPA continues to apply the key approaches as Community Organising (CO) and Rights Based Approach (RBA) for empowering and supporting poor and vulnerable people, building community resilience, building engagement and cooperation with relevant stakeholders and advocating for an enabling environment for sustainable development.

Informations pratiques

Accueil et transfert

The volunteer will be welcomed at Phnom Penh Airport by a member of DPA’s team. Volunteer has to arrive before 6.00 p.m.

Aéroport d’arrivée

Phnom Penh airport.


The volunteer will be staying at a hotel near DPA’s office in Phnom Penh (individual private room, with key-lock, private bathroom) . Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be taken in hotel or restaurants nearby.

Matériel disponible sur place

Volunteer should bring a laptop.

Je postule

Je postule

Code mission : CB3FC1

Partenaire :
Development and Partnership in Action (DPA)

Localisation :
Cambodge, Phnom Penh

Langues :


Type d’intervention :
Formation pour adultes

Compétences :

Dispositif(s) possible(s) :
Congé Solidaire, Mission Solidaire

Durée :
2 semaines

Mission disponible toute l’année

Nos missions