People for Agriculture Development in Cambodia (IADC) and Highlanders Association (HA) are two indigenous local associations working in Ratanakiri Province to support and empower indigenous communities, so that they can protect their land, natural resources, identity, and rights.
These two organizations have common capacity-building goals.
The teams of IADC and HA want to improve their organizations’ visibility for potential donors to maintain and develop their projects. At the moment they don’t have dedicated or trained human resources to work on certain topics such as communication and need training on communication tools the teams could easily manage on a daily basis (for example, how to develop and update a website, etc.)
Recourse to the support of Planète Urgence volunteers is important because IADC and HA do not have the internal skills for this mission, or the financial means to pay a trainer.
Intervention attendue du volontaire
o How to manage the social media (Facebook, Telegram, Signal)
o How to use e-mails (Outlook/Gmail – some donors are concerned about the ways to exchange information depending and the team is not use to e-mails as they use Telegram most of the time).
o How to better design and manage/update the existing website of HA.
o How to design, manage/update a website for IADC.
Other topics that might be covered:
o How to simply produce a video: HA is producing very little video because the staff don’t know how to produce video.
There are some touristic hotels and restaurants in Banlung city, and a supermarket selling western products.
Malaria and Dengue are present in Ratanakiri and preventive drugs for Malaria are recommended.
Type de bénéficiaires
HA team: 3 to 4 people
Profil des bénéficiaires
The team of HA/IADC have a mixed level in English and a translator will be required to ease the understanding of the training (it could someone among the team).
Nombre de volontaires requis
De 1 à 2 volontaires
Motivation attendue
High motivation to work in a rural environment
Le partenaire
Notre partenaire local
Highlanders Association (HA)
Highlander Association is an indigenous women led organization based in Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia and most of their staff are indigenous peoples. HA was founded by Indigenous Peoples Elder Group since early 1999 through a comprehensive consultation with indigenous communities, national and international non-governmental organizations in the Province/Country.
The objective of this association is to give priority and power to indigenous communities, so that they can projection their land, natural resources, identity, and rights to enhance a proper education. By cooperation with Indigenous Peoples Organizations (IPO) HA also spread its works with other Provinces which contain indigenous peoples lives such as Preah Vihear, Mondulkiri and Stung Treng.
Informations pratiques
Accueil et transfert
The volunteer will leave by mini-bus the following day/the day after (9h of travel).
Mini-bus schedules (day time only):
• 07.30 am – 4.30 pm
• 12.00 pm (noon) – 09.00 pm
The volunteer will leave Banlung by mini-bus on Friday and will spend an overnight stay in a hotel near the airport in Phnom Peng.
Aéroport d’arrivée
Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be taken in hotel or restaurants nearby.
Matériel disponible sur place
Code mission : CB3DC2
Partenaire :
Highlanders Association (HA)
Localisation :
Cambodge, Banlung

Type d’intervention :
Formation pour adultes
Compétences :
Dispositif(s) possible(s) :
Congé Solidaire, Mission Solidaire
Durée :
2 semaines
Mission disponible toute l’année