Training on communication strategy

Training on communication strategy

The volunteer will be in charge of supporting CEPA’s in designing an attractive and effective communication strategy and plan that align with the organization’s current resources and activities.



In the northeastern part of Cambodia, support for local communities whose incomes depend on natural resources such as forests and fish is limited. However, it is crucial to support the sustainable development of these communities to ensure the preservation of Cambodia’s important biodiversity.

The Culture and Environment Preservation Association (CEPA) is dedicated to ensuring the equitable preservation and protection of Cambodia’s natural resources for the sustainable use and livelihoods of its people. For example, CEPA collaborates with local communities to secure their rights in natural resource management and works towards improving their livelihoods. This is achieved through the establishment of eco-tourism activities and the development of businesses related to the collection of non-timber forest products or the processing of fisheries resources.

However, CEPA currently lacks communication plan or strategy. Although a project officer oversees these activities with the support of other team members, they are not fully dedicated to communication efforts. Consequently, the team faces challenges in terms of time, skills, and organization related to external communication. As a result, CEPA is facing difficulties when it comes to being recognized by potential donors or partners.

To develop an effective and operational visibility and outreach strategy, engaging stakeholders, potential supporters, and medias, CEPA’s team needs training in designing a realistic communication strategy and plan.

The support of Planète Urgence volunteers is crucial because CEPA lacks the required skills for this mission and does not have enough financial means to pay a trainer.

Intervention attendue du volontaire

The volunteer intervention must cover those topics:

-Analysis of CEPA’s current organization on communication activities and tools;

-Design of a tailored communication strategy;

-Design of a communication plan taking into account the resources of the NGO;

-Implementation of the first steps of the new communication plan.

This first mission will be followed by 2 other missions focusing on implementing the plan, notably developing new communication tools, such as a graphic chart, and updating existing ones, including the website and cases studies.


Stung Treng is the capital of Stung Treng Province, located in North-East Cambodia on the Sesan River near its confluence with the Mekong River. It’s 376 km from Phnom Penh and it’s 50 km south of the Laos border.

The province is mostly covered by extensive forests, intersecting rivers and streams. Stung Treng includes also the western chunk of the Virachey National Park, considered as a key biodiversity hotspot.

Illegal fishing activities and logging put high pressure on the forest and fishery reserves.

There are some restaurants in Stung Treng, which is a very quiet city with little tourism. Activities during the week-end can be arranged with the community based eco-tourism supported by CEPA.

Time schedule: 8.00 to 12.00 am OR 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. Best period for the partner: July, August and September.

Malaria and Dengue are present in Stung Treng and preventive drugs for Malaria are recommended.

Type de bénéficiaires

The beneficiaries of the training will be 10 members of CEPA’s team, including 3 women.

Profil des bénéficiaires

Some already have some notions of communication and can use communication tools such as Facebook, others have no expertise in the matter. The team members are not able to update the website on their own.
The English level of the team ranges from low to very good. Some members are fluent, while others cannot speak English and some can speak just a little bit. A translator will be required to ease the understanding of the training.

Nombre de volontaires requis

1 volontaires

Motivation attendue

Strong experience in communication, if possible in communication strategy.

Le partenaire

Notre partenaire local

Culture and Environment Preservation Association (CEPA)


Culture and Environment Preservation Association (CEPA) was founded in 1995 by four social and environmental activists committed to preserving their natural resources.
MISSION – CEPA programs are to improve good governance, sustainable livelihoods, enrich natural environment and equip appropriate skills and technologies for sustainable development in Cambodia.
OVERALL GOAL – CEPA overall goal is “Sustainable Livelihoods and Natural Resource Management is the cornerstone for all Development priority” to ensure that the environmental integrity of Cambodia’s natural resources is equitably maintained and protected for the sustainable use and livelihoods of its people today and for generations to come

Informations pratiques

Accueil et transfert

The volunteer will be welcomed at Phnom Penh Airport by a member of CEPA’s team and will be transported to a hotel near the airport for an overnight stay.

The volunteer will leave by mini-bus the following day (approx. 7h of travel) and will be welcomed at the hotel in Stung Treng by a member of CEPA’s staff.

On the way back, the volunteer will travel on Friday by mini-bus from Stung Treng to Phnom Penh and will leave the country on Saturday.

Aéroport d’arrivée

Phnom Penh Airport


The volunteer will be staying at a hotel near CEPA’s office in Stung Treng (individual private room, private bathroom) .

Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be taken in restaurants nearby.

Matériel disponible sur place

The volunteer should bring a laptop.

Je postule

Je postule

Code mission : CB3EC2

Partenaire :
Culture and Environment Preservation Association (CEPA)

Localisation :
Cambodge, Asie, Stung Treng

Langues :


Type d’intervention :
Formation pour adultes

Compétences :

Dispositif(s) possible(s) :
Congé Solidaire, Mission Solidaire

Durée :
2 semaines

Mission disponible toute l’année

Nos missions