Training on digital advertising and social media

Training on digital advertising and social media

The volunteer will be in charge of implementing a training on strategies through the use of digital advertising applications including Canva application and other social media.



YML is a local NGO which focuses on mangrove restoration program. YML has many related- mangrove programs rehabilitation with various beneficiaries. However, they do not document and publish well their activities progress. They have many achievement but public do not know much about their work. Regarding this problem, YML needs this training to improve their organinization promotion mainly through social media.

Justification :
– the team doesn’t have skills in media social (Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, FB, Linkeldn, etc.)
– YML doesn’t have budget to pay a trainer in this field. It will be not easy to find somenone with professional skills in YML area, and much too enpensive to hire someone from another area/district.

This training is very important because The team YML wants to promote their program and organization.

Intervention attendue du volontaire

What YML expects from this mission:

– Volunteer can help YML team to learn about how to design campaign strategy
– Volunteer can teach YML team about how to use Canva as a digital application for designing and creating attractive campaign.
– Volunteer can show them how to use Social media (Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc) as a tools/media campaign/raising awareness. The participants will learn how to use it so that it helps them to develop their campaign strategy and use better to get more followers.

This training is carried out indoors and consists of theory, discussion and practical uses. Two missions will be necessary :

– 1 mission to help the staff develop the campaign strategy.
-1 mission for social media and Canva applications.


Training schedule : 4 hours per day, and 5 days per week (from Monday to Friday) in YML Office. Sometimes, the training will be held in the field and the volunteer will go there together with YML team.

Type de bénéficiaires

YML Team : 3 men and 1 woman

Profil des bénéficiaires

The team consists in 4 bachelors (average age between 34 – 52 years)

All the beneficiaries have basic knowledge about Instagram, linkedin, and youtube. Half of them have basic knowledge about Canva. A translator will be needed during this mission period.

Nombre de volontaires requis

De 1 à 2 volontaires

Motivation attendue

Volunteers who are open-minded and flexible with Indonesian culture.
Other skills required:
-Volunteers who master communication strategy
– Volunteers who manage social media content and digital advertising.
– volunteers who are expert in social media pratices (Facebook, Instagram, linkedin).

Le partenaire

Notre partenaire local

Yayasan Mangrove Lestari (YML)


Yayasan Mangrove Lestari (YML) is a young indonesian Non-Governemental Organisation. It was created in February 2012 by inhabitants of the Mahakam delta (on the island of Kalimantan) with the help of members of the Mulawarman University of Samarinda. After having worked in multiple sectors (aquaculture…) and being implicated for years at a local level in mangrove reforestation and the development of local communities, the founders decided to create the organisation in order to be able to work in partnership with Planète Urgence’s Environment and Development programme ( Up to this day, YML is the only NGO which works in a permanent and exclusive manner in the Mahakam delta. The Mahakam delta is one of the biggest deltas in the world and faces large environmental and social problems. Around 55 000 people live in the Mahakam region. Some of the problems faced by the local population include a lack of revenue due to the decrease in the yields of their fishing. Deforestation has destroyed the ecological equilibrium and is endangering the biodiversity. In addition, gaz and oil extractions have created land conflicts all over the region. YML’s aims to restore the mangroves’ ecosystem via reforestation activities and to ensure the development of the local population through, for example, sustainable aquaculture and the sustainable use of mangroves to create nutritional and handicraft products. It also assists in the creation of stable community groups. YML works mainly in 3 areas: Saliki (3000 people), Muara Badak (5000 people) et Muara Pantuan (5000 people). In 2012, YML led a reforestation programme (42,500 trees around the Mahakam Delta) which was financed by Total E&P Indonesia (Exploration and Production). Since 2013, YML is putting into place a new project, the Mahakam Delta Integrated Management Program (MADIMAP) in partnership with Planète Urgence. Within this project, YML is leading the following activities: mangrove reforestation, awareness campaigns on climate change and sustainable development, instauration of micro-credit systems to promote the development of economical familial micro projects, assisting the local authorities in the management of the Mahakam delta, assisting the implementation of sustainable aquaculture, diversification of revenues through the sustainable use of the resources offered by the mangroves (nutritional products and traditional handicraft), enhancement of sthe local population’s capacities in managing their income generating activities and the creation of cooperatives. MADIMAP should beneficiate directly to 4,100 people over 3 years. Indirectly, through the awareness activities and communication of the results and the methods used MADIMAP should touch the populations of the 3 villages (15,380 inhabitants) and more widely to the population of the Mahakam Delta (around 55 000 people). Since 2012, YML is financed nearly exclusively by Planète Urgence. Planète Urgence assists also YML in the management of the project and its technical implementation via its delegate in Indonesia. The 2 organisations have a partnership agreement and are jointly looking for funds from private companies (Total), foundations (Kehati, Trafigura) or cooperative agencies. In addition to Planète Urgence, YML has multiple partners and supports: the local governments, PUSKIP (a research laboratory from the Mulawarman University of Samarinda), the Climate Change Center of Studies (Mularwaman University), the University of Wagenigen (Netherlands), the CIFOR (BOGOR) and other actors working for the protections of mangroves in Indonesia and Asia. 10 people are employed by YML.

Informations pratiques

Accueil et transfert

There is usually no option to go directly to Samarinda airport. The volunteer should arrive in Jakarta on Saturday evening maximum and take the next flight to Samarinda on Sunday morning.

The volunteer will be welcomed at Samarinda ‘s Airport by a member of the team and will be transported to Muara Badak which is about 30 km (about 2 hours by car).

Volunteer transportation from home to the activity location/YML office will be by motorbike while still paying attention to safety (helmet is provided).

Aéroport d’arrivée

APT Pranoto Airport- Samarinda City (AAP).


Volunteer accommodation is a home with safety standards as a priority. In the area, there is no hostel, the volunteer will stay in a homestay near the coastal area., its means that he wil live with an Indonesian family. At the homestay, the volunteer will have a private room but have to share the bathroom.

For the daily meal, volunteer can buy themselves, there are some alternative of local restaurant, but not much. We suggest the meal arranged by catering near the site for the breakfast and dinner, and for lunch the volunteer can eat together with our local partner.

Matériel disponible sur place

YML Staff have 4 Androids and 2 laptops.

Je postule

Je postule

Code mission : ID1KC6

Partenaire :
Yayasan Mangrove Lestari (YML)

Localisation :
Indonésie, Muara Badak, Kutai Kartanegara

Langues :


Type d’intervention :
Formation pour adultes

Compétences :

Dispositif(s) possible(s) :
Congé Solidaire, Mission Solidaire

Durée :
2 semaines

Dates :

📅 28-06-2025 au 26-07-2025

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