Our volunteering schemes
Planète Urgence’s volunteer programmes
Would you like to become a volunteer and carry out a mission in one of our intervention countries and with our partners in the field? Planète Urgence offers 5 mission schemes. There’s bound to be one suited to your situation and your project!
To find out more about each scheme, visit our dedicated pages!

The Congé Solidaire®
This scheme enables all employees to spend 2 weeks volunteering during their holiday in France, Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Mission Solidaire
A scheme developed by Planète Urgence to enable anyone wishing to share their skills to go on a 2-week international solidarity mission.

Service Civique
The Civic Service scheme was created in 2010. It offers young people the chance to take part in missions of general interest.

International Solidarity Volunteering
The purpose of this scheme is “to carry out a mission of general interest abroad in the fields of development cooperation and humanitarian action”.

This is a system created by Planète Urgence to meet the needs of our partner organisations around the world without having to travel to the field.