International Solidarity Volunteering
What is Voluntary International Solidarity ?
Definition and legal framework
Volunteering for International Solidarity (VSI) is a scheme governed by the law of 23 February 2005. It enables volunteers to undertake missions of general interest abroad, mainly in the fields of development cooperation and humanitarian action. The missions are part of an international solidarity approach, with projects targeting areas such as education, health, rural development and emergency response. These actions take place exclusively outside the European Economic Area (EEA).
This contract between a volunteer and an approved sending organisation commits both parties for a minimum of one year, renewable up to a total of six years.
Objectives and mission
VSI aims to strengthen local capacities and promote sustainable development in the countries in which it is deployed. Through this scheme, volunteers work with local associations on a variety of initiatives such as :
- Support for education.
- Preserving ecosystems.
- Developing rural and urban projects.
- Humanitarian action in crisis zones.
VSI assignments contribute directly to measurable impacts in local communities, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The advantages of this form of volunteering
The Volontariat de Solidarité Internationale (VSI) offers a structured and secure framework within which to undertake a mission of international solidarity. It guarantees specific benefits for the volunteer and his or her dependents, enabling them to enjoy the experience in optimum conditions:
- Support: regular monitoring is provided throughout the assignment, as well as support for reintegration on return.
- Payment of mission-related expenses:
◦ Return airfare to the location of the assignment.
◦ Accommodation and food on site, paid for by the sending organisation. - Full social security cover: the volunteer is affiliated to a social security scheme guaranteeing rights equivalent to those of the general French scheme. This cover includes:
◦ Health insurance for the volunteer and his/her dependents.
◦ Civil liability insurance.
◦ Medical repatriation insurance.
◦ Coverage in the event of an accident at work or occupational illness. - Leave: two days’ leave per month are granted for assignments of six months or more. In the event of illness, maternity, paternity or adoption, specific leave is also provided for.
- Retirement entitlements: each 90-day period of voluntary service entitles you to one quarter of pensionable service, up to a maximum of four quarters per year. Contributions are paid to the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Vieillesse.
- Supplementary insurance: a mutual health insurance scheme is included for the volunteer and his or her dependants, reinforcing social protection.
- Resettlement allowance: subject to certain conditions relating to the length of the assignment, financial assistance is granted on return to facilitate reintegration in France.
- Mission certificate: at the end of the mission, an official certificate is issued, highlighting the experience gained.
Good to know: VSI is a legitimate reason for resigning, giving the right to a back-to-work allowance for people who have paid contributions before their commitment.
VSI terms and conditions: Criteria and conditions for becoming a volunteer
To apply for a VSI, you must :
- Be of legal age.
- Not be bound by an employment contract for the duration of the assignment.
- Meet the residence criterion: carry out the assignment in a country other than your country of origin or habitual residence.
Good to know: :
- There are no nationality or age restrictions.
- VSI is compatible with legitimate resignation, sabbatical leave or international solidarity leave.
Pre-departure training
Comprehensive pre-departure training is provided to prepare volunteers for the challenges of their assignment. It includes modules on safety, interculturality and the objectives of the project.
Remuneration for Volunteering for International Solidarity
Volunteers receive a minimum monthly allowance of €150, plus accommodation, food and transport costs. The exact amount varies according to the assignment, the local cost of living and specific conditions.
In France, this allowance does not constitute a salary or remuneration. It is not subject to income tax or social security contributions.
At the end of the assignment, specific assistance may be granted, such as flat-rate professional integration bonuses or resettlement allowances.
Volunteer for International Solidarity
with the NGO Planète Urgence
The areas of intervention
The missions proposed fall within the three strategic areas of Planète Urgence :
Preserving forests and biodiversity :
support for reforestation and sustainable natural resource management projects…
Local capacity building :
support for local communities and civil society organisations…
Education and awareness-raising :
environmental education and climate change adaptation programmes…
Host organisations and countries
Planète Urgence works with nearly 80 local partners in priority areas such as Benin, Madagascar, Indonesia and Ecuador. These collaborations guarantee strong local roots and a lasting impact.
Apply for a VSI with Planète Urgence
To join our VSI teams, consult the available missions :
Testimonies and experiences of volunteers
Former volunteers at Planète Urgence regularly share their experiences during the missions they have undertaken.
Here is the testimony of Manon, a volunteer in Cambodia:
« My mission with Planète Urgence enabled me to discover the associative world on the ground in Cambodia, in situations that were sometimes unexpected, but always memorable. This experience has changed me ».
Other forms of international volunteering
Planète Urgence also offers alternatives to the VSI for those wishing to undertake shorter missions or with other objectives :
- Congé Solidaire® (Solidarity Leave)
- Civic service abroad
- Solidarity Mission
Discover all our opportunities here