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With Planète Urgence,
strengthen your social commitment
Do you represent a company a foundation, a community, an association? Do you want to act for a more sustainable and supportive planet, by involving your stakeholders: employees, clients, suppliers?
Present on the ground since 2000, Planète Urgence, recognized as a public utility, gives you the means to act in favour of international solidarity projects, which puts people back at the heart of their environment. Since its creation, Planète Urgence, has been committed to involving companies and their customers in the actions it undertakes. We are convinced that the solution will come from the mobilization of all public and private actors, organizations and individuals. Everyone can and must act at their own level.
Every Planete Urgence project can be supported by sponsorship actions. In this context, our partners can benefit from a tax reduction of 60% of the amount of the donation, up to a limit of 0.5% of turnover (Article 238 bis of the General Tax Code).
Your CSR/SAR commitment
Today, 55% of employees in France believe that a company’s social or environmental commitment is a more important criteria than salary. They expect their employer to boost engagement in the company by offering employees to get involved. Three quarters say they are disappointed if not.
But this requirement comes more and more from your costumers too. Hence the importance of including the notions of sustainable development, solidarity and positive societal impact within your company.
In order to allow the companies and their stakeholders to get involved, Planete Urgence offers various partnerships mechanism, the main ones being the Congé Solidaire ®, the “1€ = 1 tree planted” operation and the “5€ = 1 Scholar Eco-Kit”. To remain consistent with our values, we do not offer carbon compensation to our partners. To learn more about this choice, discover the values of Planète Urgence.
Our main partnership mechanism
Support the social commitment of your employees
Through the Congé Solidaire®, a system allowing all employees to go on an international volunteering mission for 2 weeks during their vacation time, encourage your employees to share their skills to strengthen those working in the field. Thanks to your financial support (financial sponsorship), you thus support the social commitment of your employees. The Congé Solidaire® is thus a “win” at power 3: for our local partners – measured impact – but also for employees, who emerged enriched, and for their employer, who concretely deploys their CSR.
Support projects for a solidary and sustainable planet
Planète Urgence, through its Environment & Development program, supports the resilience of local communities in countries particularly threatened by deforestation and climate change. We support reforestation and economic development projects, for common and sustainable management of natural resources. Planète Urgence has thus created the operation “1€ = 1 tree planted” to finance the Environment & Development program. By taking part in this operation, you strengthen you social and environmental responsibility by ensuring the real impact of actions taken.
Promote access to education and information
Through the operation “5 € = 1 School Eco-kit”, Planète Urgence strengthens access to education for the most disadvantaged children and promotes awareness of sustainable development among the youngest.
Why become a patron?
Planète Urgence brings together the private and public sectors in its international solidarity approach by forging lasting and meaningful partnerships. Our association offers you partnerships that resonate with your value chain, in favour of the general interest in a global approach of solidarity and CSR / RSO (Corporate Social Responsibility / Organizations).
Businesses indeed have the power to work in the public interest. The NGO Planète Urgence allows its patrons to actively contribute to the international solidarity scene by following the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015:
Finally, we have integrated partner requirements in terms of project monitoring and evaluation into our processes, in order to report on the use of allocated funds in a transparent manner.
Partnership request
You can contact us directly by email :