Our actions

Raising environmental awareness

We only protect what we know and love

Environmental education is one of the most impactful solutions put forward by IPCC experts to combat climate change. It is also one of the battles fought by UNESCO, which recommends making it “an essential component of school curricula”.

And yet today, in most of the countries where we work, environmental education is not being implemented. And yet – over and above learning – environmental education is essential for developing cooperation, encouraging the concrete commitment of young citizens and cultivating hope for the future.

Our levers for promoting environmental education

It is essential to explain the issues and solutions so that everyone can become a player in their own territory. Planète Urgence uses 3 levers to encourage this environmental education.

Raising awareness within our projects

Through its forestry projects, Planète Urgence aims to raise awareness of the biodiversity and climate issues linked to the protection of forests, as well as offering concrete resilience solutions, particularly through actions in schools (presentations, films or games) or directly to adults (fishermen, reforesters, charcoal burners, etc.).

Implementing dedicated projects in schools

Supporting the development of the education system to take account of biodiversity and climate issues means enabling a whole generation to play an active role in preserving the environment. Initiated in Benin and then Madagascar, the Planète Éducation project empowers local educational players and involves children in hands-on learning (reforestation, market gardens, biodiversity discovery, etc.).

Raising awareness through volunteering experiences

Local players lack the data concerning biodiversity and the local legitimacy to take up conservation issues. Planète Urgence enables volunteers to become involved in these issues via biodiversity census or awareness-raising missions. Over and above the impact for the partner, the volunteers return with a greater awareness of the issues and become agents of change in their country or organisation.

Tools to promote environmental education

A podcast and a book for children

The story of Naomie and the Tapia forests in Madagascar (13mn)


A collection of articles about forests

Planète Urgence has worked with sister organisations and experts to talk about the many facets of forests in a collection of co-written articles.


A podcast for older children

Immersion in the countries of Planète Urgence in partnership with Baleine-sous-gravillon, combat; the reference podcast on biodiversity


Sharing experience

Planète Urgence has taken part in the sharing of best practices within the Education Coalition, which have been brought together in a practical fact sheet.


Planète Urgence is a member of the Education Coalition and a player in Unesco’s Green Education initiative.