4 February 2022 • NEWS

The commitment of the ambassadors continues in 2022!

We are currently witnessing the transformations taking place on the scale of our Planet: The effects of climate change are visible and affect our environment. Planète Solidaire, a community of ambassadors and volunteers no longer want to be spectators but actors in the preservation of the environment and biodiversity. Our planet is in danger! Join us to help us protect it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doRABzGOIzg  

They are ambassadors, they testify:

  The motto of Christophe BERTRAND, 52 years old:  Life is beautiful, it presents you with all that is best for you, whether negative or positive experiences, there is always a message and a gift at the key. Ile de France is my favorite region, it allows me to do many activities: running, music. During my hobbies ; I really enjoy scuba diving. As an expert in fraud detection at Allianz, I became interested in my company’s partnership with Planète Urgence. The actions of the NGO had a strong resonance, my sensitivity, my beliefs and my convictions gave me the desire and the need to go further. Bringing my contribution to make a better environment for our children has only reinforced my investment in this community. Thus, the opportunity to become an ambassador to share universal values has become obvious, I like to join initiatives and be a local actor to carry the voice of Planète Urgence.       Carole C, 47, biologist at SERVIER, Paris.  My motto: The happiest moment in a human life is the departure to an unknown land. Mes passions : photos, concerts, expos et voyages  My passions: photos, concerts, exhibitions and travels Our company is a partner with Planète Urgence. This partnership allows employees to go on Congé Solidaire®. What a great opportunity! I’m going to Zimbabwe, mission on the protection of biodiversity. This adventure allows me to get to know the NGO better and makes me want to get more involved. Becoming an ambassador is obvious to me, I share on social networks, collaborators, the actions that are carried out in favor of the environment, biodiversity. Today, my investment aims to promote the influence of Planète Urgence. It is important that the messages pass so that everyone feels invested with a mission: to protect our planet!     Khadidiatou FALL CISSE, 35 years old, my origins: Senegalese. I live, with my husband and my children, in Pays de Loire in Carquefou. Very sociable, I like to make myself available to others and share my passion by making video montages for those around me. Computer engineer at CGI, partner of Planète Urgence, I benefited from the Congé Solidaire® scheme. This partnership allowed me to go to Benin for 10 days on my holidays, and the quality support of Planète Urgence to achieve the objectives of the mission: To promote the local development of communities. My desire to become an Ambassador makes me meet the staff of the headquarters and PU volunteers who, like me: have the desire to devote themselves to the general interest and to make things change. It is the strength of this network to get there!   Marc FAUVEAU, retired After a long career in a group of energy specialists, an associative commitment around international solidarity imposed itself on me! Continue an activity: give interest and support those who want to get involved. As part of skills sponsorship at the end of my career, I was put in touch with Planète Urgence, my mission: to develop a partnership with my company, in particular to develop Congé Solidaire®. In fact, I benefited from this device when I went to Cameroon. When I retired in 2019, my mission continued at headquarters by developing Congé Solidaire® in France in a very specific context due to the health crisis in 2020. Joining the network of ambassadors allows me to continue this collaboration with the prospect of contributing to the strategy of the association.  

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A major study to identify priority forest areas for restoration in Benin, Madagascar, Indonesia and Ecuador

A major study to identify priority forest areas for restoration in Benin, Madagascar, Indonesia and Ecuador

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Earth Overshoot Day 2021

Earth Overshoot Day 2021

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The Ocean: an ecosystem very similar to forests

The Ocean: an ecosystem very similar to forests

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