25 January 2022 • NEWS

Planète Urgence welcomes its new sponsor: Cyrielle Hariel!

Planète Urgence is pleased to welcome its new sponsor to its team: Cyrielle Hariel, impact journalist. In particular, she presents the weekly program “Objectif Raison d’être” on BFM Business, dedicated to the CSR initiatives of companies where she receives managers in order to promote their commitments. For several years, Cyrielle has been committed to the environment, through her reports and meetings: 

« Depuis le lancement de mon blog en 2015, je rencontre entrepreneurs et entrepreneurs sociaux, artistes, personnalités, sportifs, écologistes, passionnés, dirigeants, etc. Autant de profils motivés à apporter des solutions pour améliorer le quotidien de chacun. »

  Cyrielle Hariel also hosts the morning section “Impact”, organizes conferences and other TEDx and is ranked in 2021 in the Top 100 influencers “patronage & citizen investments” by mecenova.org. Our team met her as part of her new commitment to Planète Urgence.  Our team met her as part of her new commitment to Planète Urgence.    https://youtu.be/3-dmqJs8R7M Planète Urgence: Let’s start at the beginning: who are you?  Cyrielle Hariel: Above all, I am passionate! Since my change of life in 2014, and in particular the launch of my blog in 2015, it is from there that I decided, as a communicator, to interview inspiring people, who provide solutions in a society. more sustainable, more just and egalitarian. I am an impact journalist, I have also written and co-authored 3 books, I do a lot of conferences and I hope this is just the beginning of my career as an impact journalist!  P. U.: What gives you energy on a daily basis?  C. H.: What gives me energy on a daily basis is above all the people I meet. They all have hope and a long-term vision, they all put their energy into building projects, developing start-ups or even moving their company internally… all this to push environmental issues, move the leaves of CSR road!  PU: We talked a lot about the environment and the planet together: are you more land or sea?  CH: I am both, both land and sea! I made trips to the heart of the Amazon, to rural areas in Ethiopia with women planting trees to fight erosion. But it is true, I really like the ocean. I am a diver myself, I love spending hours underwater, admiring our seabed, our marine flora and fauna. I have a particularity for the ocean and my 10th tattoo is a shark fin! I had a huge crush in recent months diving with sharks, I feel like I’m completely disconnected when I find myself underwater…  PU: Finally, why did you agree to become sponsor of Planète Urgence?  CH: I really like the actions of Planète Urgence: in my opinion, Congé Solidaire® is an essential vector, especially for companies that play a real role in our society. And planting trees is also part of the concrete solutions. Helping local populations means a lot to me, as does sustainable development; I had the chance to go into the field and see that when we help people in their environment to find solutions or simply to sustain their actions, this has very beneficial effects for them and their ecosystem.  It is therefore for all these reasons that I join with great pleasure Planète Urgence as godmother! 


A major study to identify priority forest areas for restoration in Benin, Madagascar, Indonesia and Ecuador

A major study to identify priority forest areas for restoration in Benin, Madagascar, Indonesia and Ecuador

We all have little time and limited resources to restore, repair and protect living things, and forests in particular. This means that we need to select priority areas for intervention,…

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Earth Overshoot Day 2021

Earth Overshoot Day 2021

Cette année, le triste jour du dépassement global tombe (déjà) le 29 juillet. A partir de cette date, l’humanité aura dépensé toutes les ressources que la Terre peut régénérer en…

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The Ocean: an ecosystem very similar to forests

The Ocean: an ecosystem very similar to forests

Are you more attracted to the forest or the sea?  This question invites us to separate these two worlds, but are these ecosystems really so different? This is the question…

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