Forests and Livelihood Organization (FLO) is working to improve the livelihoods of local people through the strengthening of local communities in negotiating and advocating decision-making power, to ensure sustainable natural resource management and balanced socio-economic development.
FLO’s interventions are projected in its three-year strategic plans. After the successful delivery of the first strategic plan (2017-2019), the Governing Board advised the executive team to develop the second strategic plan for 2020 to 2022. This strategic plan was developed based on the lessons learnt from the first period. A notable improvement about the second strategic plan is that it is developed by FLO’s executive team with support and technical guidance from the Governing Board. The team is currently working to design its third strategic plan, including the goal to develop its institutional arrangement.
However, the team lacks of skill and faces difficulties to identify how to improve by themselves their strategies, structures, and processes.
In order to allow them to improve their institutional arrangement, FLO’s team need to benefit from training in designing an Organizational Capacity Development (OD).
Recourse to the support of Planète Urgence volunteers is important because FLO does not have the skills for this mission, or the financial means to pay a trainer.
Action expected of the volunteer
– Update of the organizational capacity assessment,
– Identification of areas for improvement,
– Development of an action plan to plot the way forward
– Identification of areas where outside technical assistance may be needed.
Malaria and Dengue are present in Kratie and preventive drugs for Malaria are recommended.
It is not advised to walk alone at night in the city.
Type of beneficiaries
Profile of beneficiaries
The English level of the team is low to medium. Some of them cannot speak English and some of them can speak just a little bit. A translator will be required to ease the understanding of the training.
Number of volunteers required
1 volunteers
The partner
Our local partner
Forest and Livelihoods Organization (FLO)
Created in 2010, FLO aims to improve livelihoods of local people through strengthening of local communities in negotiating and advocating decision making power, to ensure sustainable natural resource management and balanced socio-economic development. Since 2010, we have 2 main thematic:
– Natural Resource Management
Community Forestry
Community Fishery
Collective Land Titling
None-Timber Forest Product (Honey)
– Alternative Livelihood Development
Self-Help Group
Climate Change Adaptation (rehabilitation irrigation ponds, dams and wells)
Agriculture (chicken raising, rice and vegetable production)
Useful informations
Welcome and transfer
The volunteer will leave by private taxi the following day (5 to 6h of travel) and will be welcomed at the hotel in Kratie by a member of FLO’s staff.
On the way back, the volunteer will travel on Friday by private taxi from Kratie to Phnom Penh and will leave the country on Saturday.
Arrival airport
Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be taken in hotel or restaurants nearby.
Equipment available on site
FLO’s office is equiped with a projector. The volunteer will have a desk at disposal.
Code mission : CB3CC1
Partner :
Forest and Livelihoods Organization (FLO)
Localisation :
Cambodge, Kratie

Type of intervention :
Formation pour adultes
Skills :
Management des organisations
Possible scheme(s) :
Congé Solidaire, Mission Solidaire
Duration :
2 semaines
Available all year round