Solidarity Mission

Carrying out a Solidarity Mission

A scheme developed by Planète Urgence to enable anyone wishing to share their skills to go on a 2-week international solidarity mission.

“Going away with Planète Urgence is a guarantee of quality and safety. I’ve been away 5 times and I’m not going to stop there”.
Amandine, volunteer in Benin

A mission with Planète Urgence means :

  • The assurance of being useful: an impact in line with an expressed need
  • Preparation for departure and secure support throughout the mission
  • A unique human and cultural experience

Financer sa mission

Volunteers must raise funds to finance their mission, in particular by appealing to the generosity of their friends and family. Donations are 66% tax-deductible for individuals.


What are the costs for a 2-week assignment?

Planète Urgence has chosen to work with small organisations which do not have the means to pay their volunteers but which have a real need for support, and has therefore decided to support associations with very limited means.

Furthermore, there is little public or institutional funding to encourage the development of short-term international volunteering on the theme of professional training or skills sharing. This is why Planète Urgence asks volunteers for Missions Solidaires to participate in the collection of mission expenses.

The minimum donation of €1,850 for a fortnight’ work is based on a concept of solidarity. It does not correspond to the actual cost of the chosen mission, but has been calculated on the basis of the average cost of our Mission Solidaire and Congé Solidaire® missions. The cost of our missions is the result of a balance between these two sources of funding.

Cost of a Solidarity Mission

Each assignment has a unique cost*, which varies according to the scheme and its duration. For all missions, transport to and from the airport, transport to the mission site, accommodation and training costs are included in the mission costs.

Financing a volunteering mission with Planète Urgence requires a minimum donation of €1,850.

*The volunteer is responsible for: the plane ticket, any vaccinations and the visa.

Tax deduction

Planète Urgence is a recognised association of general interest. As such, all donations are eligible for tax deduction, including expenses incurred for a mission within the framework of the conditions for waiving expenses.

Donations are deducted from income tax at a rate of 66% for individuals, up to a limit of 20% of taxable income. To find out more about tax receipts.

Help with financing

Planète Urgence supports its volunteers in their search for funding so that the missions are open to all. Contact us to find out more.

Planète Urgence is associated with the donation collection site to enable volunteers to mobilise their friends and family. Donors will benefit from a tax deduction of 66% of the amount of their donation.

The application process

1. Application

Search for an assignment and apply by filling in a short initial contact form. Then send us your complete application with CV and covering letter.

2.  Confirmation

Your volunteering officer will get back to you. Together you will define your mission and discuss your motivations and the terms and conditions of your departure.

3. Validation

If your mission is approved by the local partner, you’ll start the departure formalities: flight, visa and vaccination.

4. Preparing for departure

Compulsory 2-day training session (2 training sessions per month).