Congé Solidaire®

Carrying out a Congé Solidaire® assignment

Congé Solidaire® is a scheme that allows all employees to spend 2 weeks volunteering during their holiday in France, Africa, Asia and Latin America.

This mission allows employees to share and pass on their skills and knowledge to support the development of local communities and help protect biodiversity and forests.

Congé Solidaire® is :

Congé Solidaire Planète Urgence

The assurance of being useful: an impact in line with an expressed need

Preparation for departure and secure support throughout the assignment

A unique human and cultural experience

“It’s a unique experience that can only be developed in this context, which is very enriching and which has enabled me to create strong links with the participants in the mission. The notion of development, the passing on of knowledge and the exchanges in return give meaning to my commitment. The Congé Solidaire® missions won’t stop for me, and I’m already thinking of going back as soon as the opportunity arises.”

See all the missions

Corporate Volunteering Month in October 2023 was marked by a special series of podcasts in partnership with the NGO Planète Urgence. The podcasts highlighted four inspiring volunteer stories, each illustrating the benefits of Corporate Volunteering and Solidarity Leave®.

Discover the episodes

In episode #76, Nicolas GUILLOT shared how his volunteer mission with Planète Urgence inspired him to create the “We Spot Turtles” application to protect sea turtles. Listen to the episode.

Katia WELAJI from Mazars was featured in episode #77, detailing how she overcame her shyness by delivering impactful training courses in Cameroon and Togo. Listen to the episode.

Episode #78 explored the journey of Bruno Rigal from Natixis, who contributed to the development of sustainable models in Cambodia. Listen to the episode.

Clotilde Dercourt from Cytiva shared her experience of giving without expecting anything in return during her Congé Solidaire® in episode #79. Listen to the episode.


Congé Solidaire®, an employer-funded scheme

The assignment is financed by the company of the employee going on the assignment. Depending on the partnership signed, the costs associated with the mission may or may not be covered by the employer (plane ticket, travel for training, visa, etc.).

To support this approach, Planète Urgence has been forging partnerships for over 20 years with companies and local authorities who wish to support their employees’ commitment by financing their missions. The financial contribution for the completion of a Congé Solidaire® mission allows the partner to benefit from a tax deduction equal to 60% of the amounts paid, within the limit of 0.5% of turnover (article 238 bis of the General Tax Code).

Application steps

1. Candidacy

Search for an assignment and apply by filling in a short initial contact form. Then send us your complete application with CV and covering letter.

 2. Confirmation

Your volunteering officer will get back to you. Together you define your mission and discuss your motivations and the terms and conditions of your departure. Your employer confirms your assignment.

3. Validation

Once your mission has been validated by the local partner, you’ll start the formalities for your departure: flight, visa and vaccination.

 4. Preparing
for departure

Compulsory 2-day training session (2 training sessions per month). Off on your mission!

Les conditions pour partir en Congé Solidaire®

Here are the main conditions to be able to go on Solidarity Leave® :

  • Your employer must be a partner of Planète Urgence* ;
  • Be of legal age;
  • You must have 2 weeks’ consecutive leave;
  • Be free for the two days of compulsory training (generally 1 month before leaving on the mission).

For the best conditions, we strongly advise you to leave at least 2 months between submitting your application on the website and your dates of availability for the assignment.

This time will allow you to find the assignment that matches your profile and the needs and availability of our local partners. Please note that plane tickets may be more or less expensive, depending on the country of operation and the period of departure.

If your employer is not yet a partner, Planète Urgence can help you involve them in your project. If this is not possible, you can always finance your mission via a Mission solidaire.

mission volontariat Planète Urgence