The Planète Urgence delegation in Indonesia
Created in 2006, our national delegation in Indonesia is now based in Samarinda on the island of Borneo, with an operational office in Labuan. Home to the 3rd largest tropical forest basin in the world and more than 3.2 million hectares of mangroves, Indonesia is nevertheless continuing to lose its forests: more than 12% of them have disappeared since 2002. To meet this challenge, the national delegation, led by Reonaldus Praembanan and comprising 15 employees, is working with our local partners on two projects, MAHAKAM in the Kalimantan region and MERCI in West Java.
Our local projects

Mangroves and aquaculture

Mangroves against tsunamis
Planète Urgence wanted to gain a better understanding of the priorities for intervention in Indonesia’s forests. The NGO therefore worked with the CIFOR-ICRAF network of researchers to cross-reference all the data on deforestation, climate change and biodiversity with data linked to the precariousness of communities via the CIFOR-ICRAF ‘Resilient Landscapes’ team. A goldmine for putting our energies to work for the benefit of living things.
Would you like more information about Planète Urgence’s actions, and in particular its forest preservation projects in Indonesia?
The office is located at Jalan PM Noor, Pondok Surya Indah Blok CG No 2, Samarinda – Kalimantan, Indonesia