Our actions

Our climate positioning

Climate change at the heart of global challenges

Climate change is a palpable reality for everyone.

Rising global temperatures and the acceleration of extreme weather events are already having an impact on natural ecosystems and human well-being, putting pressure on the food supply and health of men and women around the world. Forests, as major carbon sinks that store CO2, have a key role to play in the fight against global warming. Not only do they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis, thereby reducing global greenhouse gas concentrations, but they are also an invaluable and efficient solution for adapting our territories to climate change.

Taking action for forests is a major lever for climate action to which the NGO Planète Urgence is fully committed.

Find out more about our climate !

Greenhouse effect, permafrost, principles of mitigation and adaptation. To find out everything you need to know about climate change, consult our free fact sheet on climate change.

Forests and Climate – Key figures



2nd largest carbon sink after the oceans (FAO)



Better protection of forests would make it possible to achieve 1/3 of the mitigation efforts required by 2030



Tropical forests absorb 50% more than other forests thanks to their abundant biomass (WWF)



10% of greenhouse gas emissions are linked to deforestation (IPCC)

Working together for the climate

It is urgent to take concrete and massive action in favour of the climate, both within and outside the value chain, close to home and where it will have the greatest impact. Planète Urgence relies on nature-based solutions to mitigate climate change, adapt humanity to the new context and mobilise stakeholders.

Contribution to global carbon sinks

Reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere

Adapting territories


Raising awareness and commitment

Climate Patronage, a contribution solution for the climate

As well as reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, it is essential to make a massive contribution to maintaining existing carbon sinks and restoring degraded land. These nature-based solutions are currently the most sustainable and efficient solutions recommended by the IPCC and the FAO. Protecting and restoring forests is a fundamental and necessary lever for mitigating change, but also for adapting territories and inhabitants to the impact of climate change, while maintaining or increasing reservoirs of biodiversity.

To be legitimate, however, these actions must be measured accurately and transparently. Planète Urgence has therefore worked in cooperation with experts, partner NGOs and companies to create a method for measuring the carbon impact of reforestation projects adapted to agroforestry, mangrove and wood energy projects. This method is supported by…. An explanatory version is open to all. The detailed technical method is available on request, along with a licence system for monitoring projects that use it.

We can help you take concrete action for the climate

Planète Urgence works with companies and local authorities to support climate solutions

Contact us

The principles of a good climate contribution strategy

Planète Urgence receives many requests from companies and would like to share 4 key principles which should guide all financing of projects in line with climate issues. The association wishes to offer constructive criticism so that the search for impact prevails over any other financial consideration.

Reducing emissions first and foremost

The idea of neutrality only makes sense at the level of the planet and not at the level of an organisation. An organisation’s first priority must be to measure and commit to an extremely demanding emissions reduction trajectory that is consistent with the Paris agreements. An organisation must therefore strive to drastically reduce its direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions, and it must also be proactive in avoiding all the emissions generated by its activity.

Contributing rather than compensating

Organisations can contribute as much as possible to the effort to preserve the world’s carbon sinks, both within and outside value chains, while reducing emissions. Offsetting is an overused term, because it would be wrong to think that what was emitted in one year can be offset over 30 years – particularly in the case of forestry projects. Carbon credits sold on the voluntary market are a useful financing tool, but they are not sufficient, as they cannot finance all projects that have an impact on the climate, and the low prices charged often mean that quality projects cannot be guaranteed. Sponsorship of forestry projects could be an interesting alternative to help protect and restore the world’s carbon sinks.

Acting on mitigation and adaptation, as a priority in the most vulnerable countries

Climate change is the consequence of the production and consumption patterns of the richest countries, yet those who will pay the heaviest consequences are the inhabitants of the poorest countries. We therefore feel it is important to ensure that we pay particular attention to funding projects aimed at the countries of the South to help them better manage and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Only finance projects that link climate, biodiversity and the fight against inequalities

Forests are at the crossroads of biodiversity issues (they are home to 80% of the world’s biodiversity, IPBES 2019) and human issues (250 million people living in extreme poverty live less than 5km from a forest, FAO 2020). It is therefore essential to ensure that projects aiming to have an impact on the climate systematically include biodiversity issues and the fight against inequalities, as this is a guarantee for the sustainability of the impact.


If you are a company and would like to make a commitment to preserving forests and biodiversity for the benefit of the climate, please contact partenariat@planete-urgence.org.

If you are a journalist and would like to find out more about Planète Urgence’s position on climate change or interview our teams in the field, please contact lea.cousin@planete-urgence.org.