Our mission
Planète Urgence is an official NGO with registered charity status. We work to develop international solidarity in order to support local populations, meet their stated needs and foster their autonomy.
Our reason for being: Strengthening Men for a united and sustainable planet. Thus, we work in order for everyone to live in dignity, in complete autonomy and in a preserved environment.
For that, we have set ourselves three missions:
Protect forest and endangered biodiversity

Promote local community development

Raise environmental awareness

Our levers of action
Through 4 volunteering schemes (Congé Solidaire®, Solidarity Mission, Service Civique and International Solidarity Volunteering) we allow citizens to get involved by going either on short or long-term missions. These missions are part of long-term goals and meet local needs clearly identified in advance by our Operations division and our partners on site.
Reforestation and environmental awareness
Working directly with our local partners, we design environmental protection projects to fight against deforestation and, more generally, the destruction of ecosystems. We combine these reforestation actions with environmental awareness et economic development of local communities for a sustainable and common management of natural resources.
Our Intervention principles
The projects are set up and carried by our partners in the field. In any case, Planète Urgence is the project leader.
The association does not replace the actors of the project. Volunteers provide one-off help that reinforces an already existing dynamic
In order not to destabilize the local economy, our interventions must not compete with a local provider if the latter can provide a similar service at a price accessible to beneficiaries.
The association carries out sustainable actions allowing the beneficiaries to become autonomous and the actors of its structure.
The association works in close relation with its local partners and to implement solutions on the basis of a participatory method.
The association places security at the center of its concerns. A very strict protocol is in place for this purpose.