Our financial partners
Planète Urgence
and its financial partners
Planète Urgence works in partnership with all legal entities, under private or public law, French or foreign, who wish to join its programs. In this way, we act in collaboration with public donors and corporate foundations, local authorities and private companies. At Planète Urgence we are convinced that environmental and development solutions will require collective actions and in particular in connection with the private sector. We therefore call on companies, relying on their financial resources and their employees’ various skills.
Planète Urgence offers its partners to support its actions through different programs:
- The Congé Solidaire® ;
- The Environment & Development program through the 1€ donated = 1 tree planted operation in Indonesia, Madagascar and Cameroon via the combination of reforestation and local economic development ;
- The distribution of Scholar Eco-Kits in Benin, Cameroon, Madagascar and Togo.
Planète Urgence counts 120 partners in 2017 and 2018. Discover them down below. To learn more on the possibilities of partnership with Planète Urgence, visit the page Become a partner.
Our financial partners
Foundations and donors
The programs carried by Planète Urgence and civil society are accompanied by public and private partners in France and internationally, amongst which are public donors and foundations. The Environment & Development program is thus supported by the European Union in Madagascar and by multiple corporate foundations in Indonesia.

Since its creation, Planète Urgence creates privileged contact with corporate sponsors. The latter therefore combine patronage and CSR, by financially supporting the association’s actions, via the Congé Solidaire, forest preservation projects, or in connection with education.
Each partnership is built on an exchange between Planète Urgence and the referents in the company, and is built over time.
Local communities
Local communities can also engage alongside Planète Urgence to strengthen their decentralized cooperation actions, in particular by involving their agents on Congé Solidaire. They then pay grants to the association and also sign partnership agreements.

Mediating partners
Pragmatic, Planète Urgence has expanded the galaxy of its partners to all actors who promote employee engagement. From the Arrondi Solidaire on wages to skills sponsorship, including employee mobilization, the association promotes all types of commitment in order to increase support for its projects.

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