Training on proposal writing

Training on proposal writing

The volunteer will be in charge of designing and implementing a training on proposal writing for IADC and HA’s team.



In the Ratanakiri province in Cambodia, support to indigenous communities living in forestry areas is limited.
People for Agriculture Development in Cambodia (IADC) and Highlanders Association (HA) are two indigenous local associations working in Ratanakiri Province to support and empower indigenous communities, so that they can protect their land, natural resources, identity, and rights.
These two organizations have common capacity-building goals.
IADC stopped its activities from 2016 to 2020 after its leader left. The organization has just finalized is new strategy for the 5 upcoming years and is currently looking for funds to implement projects. HA is also looking for funds to implement new projects. (The organization had to step out of landing issues because of the lack of funding.)
For the moment, the executive directors of IADC and HA write proposals. Overall, the teams have small experience on proposal writing and faces difficulties to understand the criterias of the calls for proposals.

The mission’s goal is to provide IADC and HA teams with general knowledge on proposal writing, so the team’s members can better support the executive directors.

Recourse to the support of Planète Urgence volunteers is important because IADC and HA do not have the human ressources for this mission, or the financial means to pay a trainer. Both teams have experience in project management but has not specifically been trained on proposal writing and don’t have the opportunity to attend training on this specific topic.

Intervention attendue du volontaire

The volunteer intervention must cover those topics:
o Introduction to proposal writing (goals, main challenges, the different steps, etc.)
o How to get ready before writing a proposal (writing about the organization, …)
o The actual proposal (problem statement and project rationale, project goal, project objectives, strategies and activities (framework), performance indicators, etc…)
o How to write a concept note.
o Budget and proposal packaging


Training location: HA’s office

The volunteer will have to adapt the training to the 2 organizations, with common and dedicated training for each team. 2 volunteers can be welcomed at the same time to provide training to both teams.

Banlung is the capital city of Ratanakiri Province (636 kilometers from Phnom Penh – approx. 9h of mini-bus), located in Cambodia’s far northeast. Eight major hill tribes and ethnic groups live in Ratanakiri, accounting for 80% of the province’s population. Its forests and rich biodiversity also characterize the province.
There are some touristic hotels and restaurants in Banlung city, and a supermarket selling western products.

Malaria and Dengue are present in Ratanakiri and preventive drugs for Malaria are recommended.

Type de bénéficiaires

IADC team: 2 to 4 people
HA team : 4 to 6 people (management team members)

Profil des bénéficiaires

The executive directors have a good level of English.
The team of HA/IADC have a mixed level in English and a translator will be required to ease the understanding of the training (it could someone among the team).

Nombre de volontaires requis

De 1 à 2 volontaires

Motivation attendue

Strong motivation to go to a remote and rural area, Good health conditions

Le partenaire

Notre partenaire local

Highlanders Association (HA)


Highlander Association is an indigenous women led organization based in Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia and most of their staff are indigenous peoples. HA was founded by Indigenous Peoples Elder Group since early 1999 through a comprehensive consultation with indigenous communities, national and international non-governmental organizations in the Province/Country.
The objective of this association is to give priority and power to indigenous communities, so that they can projection their land, natural resources, identity, and rights to enhance a proper education. By cooperation with Indigenous Peoples Organizations (IPO) HA also spread its works with other Provinces which contain indigenous peoples lives such as Preah Vihear, Mondulkiri and Stung Treng.

Informations pratiques

Accueil et transfert

The volunteer will be welcomed at Phnom Penh’s airport by a member of PU’s team and will be transported to a hotel near the airport for an overnight stay.

The volunteer will leave by mini-bus the following day/the day after (9h of travel).
Mini-bus schedules (day time only):
• 07.30 am – 4.30 pm
• 12.00 pm (noon) – 09.00 pm

The volunteer will leave Banlung by mini-bus on Friday and will spend an overnight stay in a hotel near the airport in Phnom Penh.

Aéroport d’arrivée

Phnom Penh


The volunteer will be staying at a hotel in Banlung near HA’s office (individual private room, with key-lock, private bathroom)

Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be taken in hotel or restaurants nearby.

Matériel disponible sur place

Volunteer should bring a laptop with him/her.

Je postule

Je postule

Code mission : CB3DC1

Partenaire :
Highlanders Association (HA)

Localisation :
Cambodge, Asie, Banlung

Langues :


Type d’intervention :
Formation pour adultes

Compétences :
Coordination de projet, Fundraising

Dispositif(s) possible(s) :
Congé Solidaire, Mission Solidaire

Durée :
2 semaines

Mission disponible toute l’année

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