The importance
of environmental awareness

The importance of environmental education

Why are we now talking about protecting the environment and no longer protecting nature? Because the concept of the environment is broader: it encompasses economic, social and cultural issues which are decisive for the future of humans on Earth. In order to protect women and men, it is necessary not only to protect the flora and fauna around them, but also their means of substitution and development, their fundamental rights as well as their history and customs.

Together, building a desirable future for all, where humans live decently in peace in a preserved environment, this is Planète Urgence’s mission. In order to achieve this, it is essential to begin by educating society as a whole, everywhere in the world, about the environment and its protection. This is the first step towards concrete and lasting action.

Act with us

Emergency for climate and biodiversity

Forêt et biodiversité Planète Urgence

Climate emergency

Human emissions of greenhouse gases have already caused global warming of +1°C compared to the pre-industrial era. The IPCC says that global net emissions must be reduced to zero by 2050 to stay below the +1.5°C of warming called for by the Paris Agreement. However, if companies and governments do not react, we could reach +7°C in 2100 according to the latest French estimates.


Urgent need for biodiversity

For the first time in human history, one million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction according to the IPBES (the “IPCC” of biodiversity). One third of the earth’s surface and 75% of freshwater resources are now used for agriculture or livestock farming. Urban areas have doubled since 1992, and plastic pollution has increased tenfold since 1980. The destruction of nature will continue beyond 2050, in all scenarios, unless we make profound changes everywhere: forestry, agriculture, marine & freshwater ecosystems, urban areas, energy, finance…

The levers of environmental awareness

Raise awareness through our Environment & Development projects

As part of the Environment & Development program, Planète Urgence acts in cooperation with its local partners in order to strengthen the resilience of communities to changes. Each project reconciles reforestation, economic development and awareness.

In Indonesia, for example, awareness raising takes many forms; intervention in schools, production of documentaries, sensitization of fishermen to the interest of preserving mangroves. Local populations will thus be included both in reforestation actions and in the preservation of their forests and their biodiversity.

Sensibiliser à l'environnement 1

Missions biodiversité volontariat

Raise awareness through volunteering missions

With its local partners, Planète Urgence designs volunteer missions, some of which aim to protect biodiversity. During these missions, volunteers may, for example, be required to clean up polluted ecosystems or to take stock of flora and fauna.

These actions thus indirectly participate in raising the awareness of these volunteers. They themselves see the damage caused by our production and consumption patterns and understand the challenges of sustainable development and environmental protection alongside the populations and local associative partners.

Raise awareness through interventions in schools in the field


In direct relation with the partner establishments of the School Eco-kits operation, Planète Urgence is setting up awareness-raising activities on environmental protection in schools:

  • Awareness workshops and materials for students ;
  • Planting of vegetable gardens and ecological gardens.

Opération Eco-Kits Scolaire, bénin, planète urgence

A podcast to raise awareness of forestry issues in Madagascar

Naomie and the tapia forest” is the first podcast of Planète Urgence, it traces the incredible story of Naomie, a little Malagasy girl living in the heart of a so-called “enchanted” forest: the tapia forest.

The latter is directly inspired by the Planète Urgence forest preservation project: the TAPIA project, located in Madagascar. Planète Urgence has been working since 2010 in Madagascar for the preservation of the tapia forest, an endemic tree in the central highlands of Madagascar.

This podcast was produced by Ambre Gaudet according to a story written by Christian Bourbon and illustrated by Marjorie Desfontaine in 2021.

You can find it now on Spotify or Deezer listening platforms.

Listen the podcast

Raise awareness in France

As a French association, Planète Urgence forges strong partnerships every day with French companies and foundations. Discussions with these partners help to nourish the reflections of each party, while leading to questioning their daily actions and their impact on the environment.

Whether through general communication, the media, key events such as Rock en Seine or through coalitions such as that of, the association invites everyone to challenge their lifestyles in connection with the protection of the environment.

Part of the SOS Group, Planète Urgence is also involved in discussions related to the plea of the International Action sector. The association will pay particular attention and will be a source of proposals to bring the voice of environmental protection within the group and the associations that make it up. These plea actions will make it possible to shed light on the issues surrounding this theme to the French public authorities.

How can you become involved in community development ?

In order to take an active part in the local development of communities, you can become a volunteer on one of the projects supported by Planète Urgence (Congé Solidaire®Mission solidaireService CiviqueVolontariat de Solidarité Internationale) or support our projects in the field through a donation.

 To find out about the different ways to donate, click on the button below:


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