Our National Delegation in Indonesia

The team



Country Representative of Indonesia



Program Manager



Finance and administrative officer



Communication Officer

The local projects

Projet MAHAKAM Planète Urgence

The forests preservation projects

Indonesia is one of the association’s historical countries of intervention: Planète Urgence integrated the preservation of the environment into its strategy following the earthquake and tsunami on the Indonesian coast in 2004.

The restoration of mangroves is, among other things, a strategic issue for the preservation of the environment because these ecosystems between land and sea constitute natural barriers to slow down the rise of water, floods and other natural disasters.

It is therefore through the support of two projects for the preservation of forests and biodiversity that Planète Urgence is intervening in this area of the world. The MERCI project is located in the Ujung Kulon national park on the island of Java and aims to preserve the mangroves of this park and indirectly protect the last wild population of rhinos in Java. The MAHAKAM project is located in the Mahakam delta on the island of Borneo, and aims to preserve the delta’s mangroves while supporting local economic activities.

Projet MAHAKAM | Mangrove restoration and local development

Projet MAHAKAM | Mangrove restoration and local development

Contribuer à restaurer durablement l’écosystème de mangrove dans le delta de Mahakam en réduisant la vulnérabilité des communautés aux effets du changement climatique.

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Projet MERCI | Mangrove Ecosystem and Javan Rhinoceros Conservation in Indonesia

Projet MERCI | Mangrove Ecosystem and Javan Rhinoceros Conservation in Indonesia

Contribuer à la restauration des écosystèmes forestiers côtiers locaux et à la conservation de leur faune (avec un accent particulier sur le rhinocéros de Java) dans le parc national d’Ujung Kulon et sa périphérie.

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The local news

Why does Planète Urgence act concretely for the preservation of mangroves?

Why does Planète Urgence act concretely for the preservation of mangroves?

Planète Urgence is working in Cameroon and Indonesia with three projects that aim to restore and preserve mangroves, ecosystems that…

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Nature-based solutions by IUCN: the example of the MERCI project

Nature-based solutions by IUCN: the example of the MERCI project

Les « Solutions fondées sur la Nature » (SfN) ont vu le jour en 2009 lors de la COP15 Climat…

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You want more information on Planète Urgence’s actions, and in particular on its forest preservation projects in Indonesia?

The office is located in:

Jalan PM Noor, Pondok Surya Indah Blok CG No 2, Samarinda – Kalimantan, Indonesia